
Earl had just woken up from his week-long bender. It was three o’clock in the afternoon. He got up from his floor, orientated himself, and began his Sunday morning routine. After he grabbed his Jack Daniel’s, he made his choice pick-me-up drink; half a cup of coffee and a half a cup of jack.

Not wanting to end things just yet, he headed for his local bar. Earl topped off the Irish coffee with three more drinks, a Sazerac, and a Zombie. He had enough alcohol in his system to knock your local drunk onto the floor. He headed for his car.

Meanwhile, Ron had just finished an afternoon stop at Jim’s Diner. Ron’s friends, the Conoways, were empty-handed and in need of some lawn equipment. Thankfully, Ron had a trailer and the required gear. Ron indicated his blinker to turn onto the street where his friends resided. That’s when the crash happened.

The force of Earl’s recklessness catapulted Ron’s tiller and tools into another victim’s car. Meanwhile, Ron was concussed, injured, and petrified. Unable to see his perpetrator, Ron nervously hopped out of his truck. He could not use his left leg.

The Conoways heard the sound of the collision and ran out of their home. Instantly they saw their close friend lost in the middle of 75th street. Ron was hopping on one leg, avoiding traffic. He was too concussed from the crash to know what was happening. Meanwhile, Earl attempted to spoliate any evidence. He chucked an almost empty bottle into a nearby yard and began to flee.

Thankfully, the police arrived and arrested Earl. That night, Ron managed to get into the hospital and receive medical treatment. The consequences of Earl’s actions lasted long after the initial wreck.

Everyday life for Ron turned into a complicated labyrinth. A whole night’s rest became two hours of sleep. Winter snow turned into a blinding light. Relaxing melodies degraded into unwanted noise. These are only a few of the ways Ron’s enjoyment of life was stolen from him.

Earl’s irresponsibility on November 12th, 2019, was not forgotten. Sanders.Law sought out to make a demonstration of justice on Ron’s behalf. Our lead attorney, Steve, firmly believes that no one should be endangered in their own friend’s neighborhood. After 16 months of resistance and insurance adjusters dodging phone calls, Sanders.Law secured a settlement. On March 10th, 2021, an undisclosed, favorable agreement was delivered to Ron’s hands.

No one deserves to suffer as Ron does. Not you reading this, not our families, not even our enemies. No one should have to be concerned for their wellbeing while helping a companion. When injustice strikes, the team at Sanders.Law will make certain again that no evidence is hidden and no criminals are left unpunished.

*pseudonyms were used for the sake of client confidentiality.