In recent months a four-year-old boy in foster care was bitten in the face by the family Rottweiler. The dog had bitten someone before and had been recommended to be euthanized because its aggressive nature was “not treatable”. The foster mother is now facing criminal charges for the aggravated endangering of a child.
Having a dog around that will bite anyone without warning is deplorable. Safety is of major importance when having pets around children. Dog owners need to be held accountable if their animal is not tame or under control. Being bitten by a dog can be harmful to anyone and it can even be psychologically damaging. This is especially true for children, as those bitten can develop a fearful outlook of these usually wonderful creatures.
If you, a loved one, or friend have been bitten by a dog you need to contact an attorney. Our firm’s attorneys have the knowledge and experience to deal with dog bite cases and are ready to hold accountable owners that are negligent in raising their dogs. The more we can help victims of dog bites the more we can have the law hold dog owners accountable and reduce this for our children.